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Commodities and Facilities Maintenance Purchases​
Home » Commodities and Facilities Maintenance Purchases​

Instructions for Using Agencies

All agency-specific Commodities and Facilities Maintenance requisition requests must follow the below process as of April 2021. We appreciate your cooperation and support as we work to provide you with an optimal customer service experience.

1.) DGS Agency Purchase Submittal Form

Review and complete the DGS Agency Purchase Submittal Form which can be found at the link below:

All agencies must complete Page 1 (General Information), and one of the remaining pages based on the procurement method selected. Please ensure all applicable sections are completed.

2.) Requisition

Create, but DO NOT post, a requisition for this purchase in the Advanced Purchase Inventory Control System (ADPICS).  This applies to requisitions submitted for both Commodities and Facilities Maintenance requests. Once the agency provides the requisition print out with its submission and it is reviewed for accuracy, a DGS Procurement Officer will give written acceptance to post the requisition. When posting the requisition, please make sure that the buyer’s code on the 2100 screen is “ZDGS“.

    1. If the request is to procure a one-time good (commodity), the Interface ​Type (INTF TYPE) must be a “RQ” to allow the system to generate a Purchase Order (2340).
    2. If the request is to either procure goods (commodities) or services over a given period usually more than one year and more than one delivery, the Interface Type (INTF TYPE) must be a “NP” to allow the system to produce a Blanket Purchase Order (2342).
    3. The requisition note pad must contain the following information:
  • Match Type
  • Buyer’s Name, Buyer’s Code, Buyer’s Phone Number, and Buyer’s Email Address
  • PRG Information and any goals

3.) Sending Your Submission to the OSP DGS Email Address

Email your complete requisition packet to The packet should include all relevant attachments, including but not limited to:

  • Completed DGS Agency Purchase Submittal Form (minimum 2 pages)
  • Print-out of unposted ADPICS Requisition
  • Completed IFB to include detailed specifications. Please make sure to use the latest version of the IFB.
  • Accounting Certification (“Fund Cert”) if applicable
  • Appropriate justification and support documents to not proceed as a competitive bid
  • Agencies must submit PRG documentation including MBE/ VET goal information and determination

Note: Per COMAR 21.11.03, all requisitions large enough to be submitted to DGS should have a written MBE goal and basis for setting that particular goal. Requisitions expected to be larger than $200,000 should be reviewed by your agency’s Procurement Review Group (PRG) per Board of Public Works (BPW) Advisory 2001-2.

  • SBR worksheet
  • SBR waiver approved by GOSBA (if applicable)
  • Excess Property Certification- Surplus Property (if applicable)​
  • MCE and MD Works wavier (if applicable)

Within 5 working days of emailing your requisition packet to, OSP Associate Directors and Supervisors will analyze the packet. The agency buyer will receive an email reply indicating that either the submittal packet is accepted and assigned to a DGS Procurement Officer, or if any information is missing, agencies will be advised of the necessary additions or corrections to submit.

Finally, upon receiving written acceptance of the submittal packet by the OSP Associate Directors or Supervisors, the agency buyer will:

  • Create an entry in the ADPICS notepad for the requisition indicating “Purchase submittal packet approved by DGS PO [First/Last name] by email on [MO-DY-YR].” 

 4.) Documents for Using Agencies 

The following documents can be found at the link below:

  • DGS Agency Purchase Submittal Form
  • Current IFB for Commodities (including Statewide and Sole Source)
  • Current IFB for Facilities Maintenance (including MD Works Preferred Provider)
  • Vendor Performance Feedback Form (for Commodity and Sole Source purchases only)
  • Blank DGS Fund Certificate

Note: For Renewal or re-bid information on an existing Facility Maintenance contract, please contact the Procurement Officer listed on the current contract BPO.